Consumer expectations for eco-friendly production practices are growing

9 July 2024

Polish people are becoming more aware of environmental issues and clearly support more sustainable packaging practices, according to the latest EKObarometr survey conducted by SW RESEARCH with Akomex Group. The report shows that 65% of surveyed consumers believe that cardboard packaging has a smaller negative impact on the environment compared to plastic. Most respondents support using more cardboard in product packaging, and 70% think that cardboard packaging manufacturers should use recycled materials. At the same time, consumers are concerned about products being packaged in boxes that are too big. 35% of those surveyed often or very often see products in cardboard boxes that are much larger than the actual product.

Excessive packaging is a widely recognized problem among consumers. 68% of respondents (42% sometimes and 35% often or very often) encounter products packed in much larger packaging than necessary. Excessive packaging can lead to wasting resources, both in terms of the materials used to produce the packaging and by increasing the amount of waste, which negatively impacts the environment. To prevent environmental pollution, 70% of respondents believe that cardboard packaging manufacturers should use recycled materials to minimize the use of new resources.

According to the latest EKObarometr research, 40% of respondents consider cardboard to be the most biodegradable material, mainly because of its natural origin. Additionally, 65% of respondents say that cardboard packaging has a smaller negative impact on the environment compared to plastic packaging. Moreover, 68% of respondents support companies investing in new technologies that could further reduce this impact. Meanwhile, 62% of respondents emphasize the need to educate consumers about the environmental impact of cardboard.

Public opinion survey results clearly confirm the growing ecological awareness among consumers and their positive attitude towards cardboard packaging as a more eco-friendly alternative to plastic. A significant portion of the survey respondents support increased use of cardboard in packaging, which sends a strong message to our industry to intensify efforts promoting such solutions. Also, the issue of excessive product packaging is important for brands, and solving it could bring both environmental and economic benefits. It is also significant that a large percentage of consumers (70%) expect manufacturers and packaging producers to use recycled materials, highlighting the need to strengthen sustainable production practices. Therefore, the goal for manufacturers must be to provide packaging that is functional, eco-friendly, and meets consumers’ real expectations. As a responsible producer, we must continue our efforts to develop innovative solutions and transparent communication about the environmental impact of packagingnotes Grzegorz Łajca, President of Akomex Group.

The survey also shows that 63% of respondents emphasize the importance of transparency from packaging manufacturers and regular assessment of their production’s environmental impact. These expectations reflect the need for a more open dialogue between packaging manufacturers and consumers about actions taken to minimize negative environmental impacts. Companies that meet these expectations have a chance to build stronger and longer-lasting relationships with brands and consumers while also contributing to increased environmental protection efforts.

The EKObarometr 2024 survey was conducted by the research agency SW RESEARCH on a representative group of 1500 respondents, analyzing their approach to eco-friendly packaging in different product categories.

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